E.A.R. & Hannah’s Prayer

I Sam 2:1 And Hannah prayed, and said, my heart rejoices in the Lord; my 

horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over my enemies. 

When Hannah prayed, she engaged in and came from a place of gratitude. How long she had longed for, not only a child, but a son. She was willing to give back to God. If ever she had prayed self-pitying and/or begging prayers, she had evolved, transformed from within. The taunting and mocking of her enemy had ceased to bother her. Indeed, it took grace of the engagement of heart, horn, and mouth – rejoicing, exaltation, and bold, faith-based declaration to finally see real victory manifest in her life. That seed was God’s prophet, Samuel.

      In principle, let’s apply Hannah’s prayer to how we both engage and pray for education. It matters not whether perspective and the level of concern is local or regional, national, or global. There must be watchmen, keeping their ear to the ground grace, discernment and mercy regarding pressing challenges confronting schools, youth, parents, and teachers. Hearts rejoicing in the Lord because he is sovereign, not people – no matter how rich or powerful. Ultimately the battle for the righteous is his anyway. 

  • Are you a ‘boots on the ground’ soldier in His army? As a praying person perhaps, you already sense that you are among his deployable operatives. Part of the process of lifting and exalting your horn to the Lord can be coming into community with a prayer community like E.A.R. 
  • Are you an individual with a unique education perspective? If so, contact us. Let us know at https://ear-to-the-ground.com/prayer-targets-survey/. Our mindset is engagement in educational settings and entities so that our awareness is current concerning areas of need, continually bringing them before God’s throne of mercy, and finding grace for help in these critical times in our nation.
  • let have you become aware of a concern, challenge, atmosphere, or climate that might be remedied, even resolved? Then complete and submit our E.A.R. survey. Once prayers begin to go up, God’s mercy and grace might be exalted and manifested there? Remember one puts to flight a thousand and two – 10,000!


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