E.A.R. Engaged Scriptures

Jeremiah 30:21 And their nobles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall be 

from the midst of them; and I will cause him to draw near, and he shall approach unto

 me: for who is this that engaged his heart to approach unto me? Saith the Lord.

Engagement comes first in the EAR acronym. Why? Because E.A.R. is about supporting needed change, direction, and guidance in education. Included are areas of critical and on-going need. We believe engagement is a required for change and that it is a matter of the heart. This scripture supports that view.

  • If leaders come from the people (God’s or righteous people), and governing authorities arise from among them, then God not only can but will (a promise) engage the heart of a governing ruler to approach Him. 
  • God is sovereign. He can cause a leader from among the people to approach him who would never otherwise do so.

Application of this engagement principle is key to what E.A.R. is about – people themselves first “getting into agreement and engaging God’s heart for education and school environments”. g– 

        Look too at I Samuel 7:10 While Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to engage Israel in battle. But that day the Lord thundered with loud thunder against the Philistines and threw them in such a panic that they were routed against the Israelites.

The enemy may consider as nothing our offerings. Yes, even our sacrifices of praise, thanksgiving & worship to God can be misunderstood as distraction and/or weakness they can use to their own advantage. However, with God’s supernatural power and authority and godly people’s active engagement, our reward is victory. At EAR we believe it so, no matter how fearful the tactic or subtle the ploy. God can throw the enemy (of His wise counsel) into panic, routing the efforts of the ill-advised with regards to the education of our children. 

      I close with a powerful quote by Dr. Michael Pitts in his book Power Shifters, “True power does not reside with those who hold high positions; neither is it found with people of wealth or political influence. True power lies with the people who dare take a step into line with the word they have heard from God and pull it into their region.” We are E.A.R.!


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E.A.R. Engaged Scriptures

Jeremiah 30:21 And their nobles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall be  from the midst of them; and I will cause him to draw near, and he shall approach unto  me: for who is this that engaged his heart to approach unto me? Saith the Lord. Engagement comes first in the EAR acronym.

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